Sunday, 16 August 2015

Lifestyle | How To Have The Perfect Lazy Day

Hey everyone, so for today's post I thought I would share with you some of my tips on How To Have The Perfect Lazy Day.

Now obviously you don't have to use these tips because everyone's Lazy Day will not be the same. I just thought this would be helpful if you want to have more of a productive Lazy Day.

So without further ado, let's get started.

1. Watch YouTube 
So this is pretty simple one and also one of my faves. Just have a YouTube marathon!! I watch every video in my subscription box and then watch some old videos by my favourite youtubers. 

2. Have a Pamper Day
This is one is also one of my faves. I like to hop in the bath and use one of my fave LUSH products. This is also another time where I watch more YouTube and also catch up on some of my favourite TV shows.

3. Treat Yourself
I like to treat myself usually by painting my nails and reading magazines. This just gets me all nice and calm, and also a major plus is that you'll have super nice nails and you'll have caught up with this months trends!!

4. Have A Movie Day
 So my 4th and final tip is to have a Movie Day. I preferably like to do this by myself but obviously you can invite all your friends round and just relax. 

So those were some of my tips, on having the Perfect Lazy Day. I hope you enjoyed reading this post.


  1. Lovely post. These are truly great. Glad to know your blog. Take care always, and sure to view more soon.
