Wednesday, 6 January 2016

My Blogging Tips and Tricks

Now I wouldn't say that I'm an absolute expert at blogging , however collectively between all the blogs I have had I would say I've been doing it for a good 6 months. So I have a few tips and tricks up my sleeve that I thought I would share with you today.

You've probably heard this a million times before but it helps me so much if I plan out all my blogposts up to a certain date. I also get collabs planned sometimes months before they are due to go to live. This is because I know I'm on top of things and I don't need to stress out the week (or even days before) knowing that I haven't planned or write  blogposts for the upcoming week. (We've all been there)

It also helps me a lot to keep a planner, I can write down all the posts I have coming up, therefore keeping me organized. Similar to the planner I also like to keep a little notebook to jot down post ideas and also to do a quick write out of my post, so I know what to include in it

Another thing that I do all the time with my posts is to pre-draft them. All this means is that I write out my posts that may not be uploaded until the next month. However knowing their written keeps me more organized and also gives me more time to do other things like School Work (ughh) and socialising with my friends and family. (This tip helps me a lot throughout the School Year)

My final tip that I'm going to share with you is that always take your pictures before writing your posts. This way you will be able to make sure you have everything written in your post. I would also recommend you take a whole bunch of pictures at the same time (maybe around 3 posts worth) By doing this you wont have to worry about the lighting in  your posts. I recommend taking them quite early in the morning to get the best natural lighting!!

So those were a few of my favourite blogging tips and tricks, I hope this post may have helped you if you're bit of an unorganized blogger (like me!!) or if you generally just wanted a few tips.


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