Wednesday, 4 May 2016

3 Ways To Make Revison More Fun

Oh that dreaded word, how everyone hates it!! Today I thought I would share with you 3 ways to make revising more fun!! Now I'm no expert but I have found myself some ways to make revising that little bit more bearable!!

I possibly talk about highlighters in every single studying post of mine, but they honestly help so much!! I recently bought myself a pack of new highlighters, that are pastel!! These make me want to revise so much more because they look so pretty on my page!!

Now I know that I'm not the best at drawing, but when it comes to diagrams you don't have to be an artist as long as you understand them then it's fine!! Diagrams can also be used instead of writing, so if you're fed up of writing a lot draw yourself some diagrams!!

My final tip is to use apps!! I have a folder on my iPhone with a bunch of revising apps on. One of my absolute favourites is Quizlet, which is basically a place to create online flashcards. This is a good tip if you're fed up of writing or you haven't had time to fully revise, you can pull out your phone and do a bit of revision!!

So those were 3 of my tips to make revising more fun, I hope you guys enjoyed and good luck with your exams!!


  1. I love to use quizlet, especially for languages xx

  2. I have so many coloured pens for revision it is unreal! Thanks for the tips x

  3. I love quizlet, I use it for Spanish Revision!

    Lauren |
