Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Blogmas // My New Years Resolutions for 2017

How crazy is it that 2017 is just over a week away!? Today I thought I would share with you my New Years Resolutions for 2017, I did a post like this last year and found it really fun so I thought I'd bring you another one for 2017!

Stick to my blogging schedule and post twice a week
This resolution was actually included in my last New Years Resolutions post and unfortunately I broke it many times. But this time I am determined to complete it and post two posts twice a week, every single week. I really hope I can stick to this promise this year and I'm going to do all I can to make sure I do!

Go to blogging events
Obviously as a small teen blogger I don't get asked to events very much, but this year however I was invited to the Seventeen Blogger Event in London and unfortunately I was unable to attend. If Seventeen hold another event like this (fingers crossed) I'll defintley try to attend as it looked so much fun!

Get good grades on all of my mocks
As I'm currently in Year 10, I have my mocks in May/June time and I am determined to get good grades in every single on of them as I want to make both myself and my parents proud (soppy, I know!)

So those are my New Years Resolutions for 2017, I know that there is only three but if I set myself anymore the chances of me completing or sticking to them is very slim!

I hope you enjoyed this post and I actually can't quite believe Blogmas is coming to an end! I've enjoyed it so much this year, that I will defintley be doing it again next year!


  1. I hope you achieve all of your resolutions! I really want to go to a bloggers event, they look so good! xx

    1. Aw thankyou lovely! And I really hope there are some taking place in 2017!! Xx
