Sunday, 17 September 2017

Autumn Room Additions

Autumn is right around the corner, and I couldn't be happier, this weekend I decided to decorate my room for Autumn. (There may also be a few Halloween decorations in there, but hey don't judge me!) Most of my Autumnal room décor is from Country Baskets as their stuff is amazing quality and such a good price. Homebargains is also a really good place for Halloween décor too, and who can forget Homesense! They have amazing and unique autumnal and Halloween finds, so there's always something for everyone!



  1. Ahhh so pretty, I adore all the decor you chose and it compliments your room perfectly! Ahhh I'm so excited! :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (I have a little Chip cup giveaway and following back on bloglovin!)

  2. I cannot agree more about Home Bargains having a great range! I also use the Works a lot for my room décor when I decide to make it myself xx

    1. Ooh I might have to check out the Works for a couple of seasonal crafts! Thanks for the recommendation lovely! Xx
