Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Study With Me: Biology

Due to me being in Year 10, I'm about to sit my mocks for the first time. Even though they don't really go towards anything other than what sets I'm in, I'm still taking them seriously because this time next year I'll be sitting my actual GCSE's. Today I thought I would do a Study With Me as I see these on Youtube all the time and they really motivate me to revise, so I thought I would give one a go!


So the first thing that I always do before I study is plan out what I need to do, I've been loving using my planner for this as I can write everything down in one place. I typically write down any homework that needs completing and when and what I'm going to revise.

Next I'll go to writing up my notes and highlighting any important information (today I was doing biology). For me personally I highlight the topic in one colour e.g. Plant & Animal Cells and then any sub-topics in another, I just find that it makes it easier for me to see the topic and process it as it's all in different sections.

I defintley enjoy doing diagrams to help me revise as I'm a visual learner, plus it's a good excuse to draw a cactus, right? I tend to draw something related to the topic or to break down big chunks of information so that when I'm in an exam i can simply remember the picture and the information surrounding it a lot easier!
Then after I've finished up writing my notes in a lot of detail, I also like to create mind maps to condense down the information, so that I can quickly look at it before the exam. Mind maps are also good to stick on the walls because all of the information is condensed down.

Finally the last thing that I do is go through and highlight any headings on my mind map, so it's easier to see where one topic starts and ends. My favourite highlighters are defintley the Stabilo Boss Pastel Highlighters as they're such pretty colours.

So that's my study routine for a school night, I typically revise for around 2- 2 and a half hours whilst still leaving time for homework. I hope that this motivated you in some way, and I really enjoyed doing it so defintley look out for more!!

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